Organized Life




Hi friend!

I’m glad you found this workbook and I truly hope it can help you make small changes for BIG impact. My goal for you is to get organized so you can stop feeling like you’re being pulled in a million directions. I want you to be able to LIVE your life.

Our lives get busy. We have families, friends, work, a home to keep clean, meals to make, dishes to wash, groceries to buy, bills to pay, appointments, meetings, events, and countless other things that are pulling for our attention. If we aren’t careful, our lives get so full that we go-go-go until we have no energy left. Then we collapse in exhaustion and scroll social media because we don’t have the brain power to do anything else.

But what if we could change that??

Over the years, I have realized that when I feel my best and things are running smoothly in our lives, it’s because I’m organized in five main areas. And when you have a process to do them efficiently, you save an incredible amount of time AND you feel less stressed because you feel organized instead of frazzled. In this workbook, I’m going to walk you through the five foundational routines I use to make my life easier. I call these the F.I.R.S.T. Routines. Not only is that an acronym, it also means they are my FIRST priority. When I make time for these routines, our life feels organized and I have MORE time to spend with loved ones and doing the things I enjoy most.

This workbook is part journal, part action plan. Write out your thoughts and be honest with yourself. Later, you will be able to look back at this workbook and see how much progress you have made. It is broken up into eight weeks - the first two weeks are evaluating your current habits and establishing your priorities. Then there are five weeks to build one routine each week. It is important that you do your homework each week and begin implementing your new routine right away - that same week. Then, by the time we get to your eighth week review, you will have built five routines to keep you organized and then we will finish by learning tactical ways to time block your days/weeks so that you can do your routines and free up your time to live life more fully.

It’s time to stop stressing about all the things that need to get done and instead, have more time for the things that matter most! Let's get organized!

xo, Renae

Your Organized Life


Your Organized Life

An 8-week step-by-step guide to create five foundational routines to get organized and take control of your life. You will walk away with LESS stress because you will have a simple process and be organized in each of these areas in your life!

You also have two options so you can choose the one that works best for your budget:

Get the downloadable
PDF Workbook

Order the paperback workbook
on Amazon


Need help determining how to set up your routines in your day? Book a strategy session with Renae!

If you are struggling with creating impactful routines for your life, get insight directly from Renae and ask her questions! She will help you dive into what your life looks like now VS how you want it to look and work with you to create sustainable routines that begin to shape your life the way you want! She can help with any area relating to the F.I.R.S.T. Routines:

If you are looking for help outside of these areas, email the team at and they can help you determine if this coaching session is a good fit for what you are looking to achieve!


Simple Systems to Get Organized and Build Consistency


Are you going to bed at night thinking about the to-do list you didn’t finish and stressing about whether or not you'll have time to do it all tomorrow? Waking up exhausted and relying on coffee to get through your day?

Are you making multiple trips to the store each week, stressing about dinner and spending too much money on groceries and take out?

I’m Renae Matt and I’ve been where you are! I work full-time, I’m growing my own business, and I want to spend quality time with my husband and family. Over the years I got so tired of the housework, the bills, and the never-ending list of things to do. I was trying to keep track of it all.  It was exhausting and felt like I had no time left to ENJOY  life.

Over time, I have built simple routines to get organized and get my time back. I want to share what I have learned with you so YOU can have:

>> A DAILY HOME ROUTINE to keep a tidy home without wasting Saturdays cleaning and catching up on laundry.

>> A MORNING ROUTINE to give you “me time” so you can tackle your busy days knowing exactly what to expect.

>> A MOVEMENT ROUTINE so you feel great every day!

>> AN EASY BUDGET ROUTINE to get out of debt, get rid of money stress, and save for your dreams.

>> A MEAL PLANNING ROUTINE to reduce the frustration and stop wondering what’s for dinner.

Our lives are busy, but they don't have to be overwhelming.  When we can get these five foundational routines in place, you will have a system set up to help reduce the stress and give you your time back! I’m here to teach you everything I have learned about building simple routines so that they can change your life, too.

You might think this isn’t the right time because you are too busy to change something, but friend… when you feel TOO BUSY to prioritize your LIFE...that is when you know something NEEDS to change.

We can’t get lost time back and we aren’t meant to live our lives checking off boxes and drowning in errands.


Instead of spending your evenings stressed about all the tasks you didn’t get to, you will be able to spend those nights having fun with your family. Go for an evening walk, do a game night, find a hobby, or have a date night with your hubby.

When you get your life organized, you get your life back. 

THAT is the Routine Advantage.

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 © Copyright 2023 | Renae Matt | The Routine Advantage